Full Name
Mr Kipchoge KEINO
Date of birth
Honorary Doctorate of Letters, Egerton University, Honorary Doctorate of Law, Briston University

Kipchoge Hezekiah Keino (born 17 January 1940) is a retired Kenyan trackand field athlete. He was the chairman of the KenyanOlympic Committee (KOC) until 29 September 2017. A two-time Olympic goldmedalist, Keino was among the first in a long line ofsuccessful middle and long distance runners to come from the country and hashelped and inspired many of his fellow countrymen and women to become the athletics force that they are today. In 2000, he became anhonorary member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In 2012, he was one of 24 athletes inducted asinaugural members of the IAAFHall of Fame.