Clea Hadjistephanou Papaellina is a permanent member of the Special Teaching Staff of the Department of Education of the University of Cyprus in Physical Education. She is a member of the University’s Sports Council.
She is also an Invited Lecturer in the University of Rome Foro Italico teaching part of a course entitled “Philosophy of Sport and Olympic Education” since 2010.
She has a Bachelorof Arts in Physical Education from the University of California Berkeley(1984-1988), USA., Master of Arts in Physical Education with distinction from California State University Chico, USA (1989-1990) and Ph.D. in Physical Education from the University of Athens, School of Philosophy, GREECE(1992-1996) with a scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation ofGreece. Graduated with distinction.
She hasspecial interest and is involved with issues related to Olympism, OlympicEducation, and Sports Management. She has a long voluntary participation in numerouslocal and international committees.
Between January2014 – June 2016 she was appointed by the Council of Ministers as Chair of the Board of the Cyprus SportsOrganisation.
Atpresent she is:
· The Dean of the NationalOlympic Academy of Cyprus
· A Member of theExecutive Council of the Cyprus National Olympic Committee
· A Member of the Executive Council of the Cyprus NationalParalympic Committee
- The Vice Chair of the EOC (EUROPEAN OLYMPIC COMMITTEEs) “Culture and Education” Commission
- A Member of the “Culture and Education” Commission of the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC)
- Member of the Executive council of the “European Olympic Academies” (EOA)
- Member of the “Development Commission” of the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS)
She wasin the Cyprus NOC Delegation as Olympic Attaché in Athens Olympic Games in 2004and member of the Cyprus NOC delegation in other Games.