Prof. dr. Jan Tolleneer is professor in sports history, comparative studies and applied ethics at KU
Leuven, where he teaches movement sciences students as well as rehabilitation sciences students. For
more than twenty years he also lectured at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Ghent
University (e.g. introduction to movement science and sports studies). He is lecturer and board member
in the Erasmus Mundus Program Master of Arts in Sports Ethics and Integrity (MAiSI) and coordinates
the Leuven module Integrity, Dis/Abilities and Welfare: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. He published in
major peer reviewed journals, and produced a number of books, e.g. in the Springer series ‘International
Library of Ethics, Law and the New Medicine’: Athletic enhancement, human nature and ethics: Threats
and opportunities of doping technologies. His research interests remain: applied ethical and
interdisciplinary issues in sports & integrity, with a focus on youngsters and other vulnerable groups in