Ioannis Xydopoulos teaches Ancient Greek History as an Associate Professor at the
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. The author of several works on ancient
Macedonia, beginning with his published thesis Social and Economic Relations
between Macedonians and the Other Greeks, Thessaloniki 1998 (rev. ed. 2006), his
interests later centered on issues of identity and perception, as in second book, The
Perception of Ancient Thracians in Classical Greek Historiography, as well as on
violence in Antiquity. He is the co-editor of the collective volume Xydopoulos, I. K. -
Vlassopoulos, K. - Tounta, E. (eds.), Violence and Community: Law, Space and
Identity in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean World, Routledge, London and New
York 2017. He is currently writing a book on the notion of fear in 4 th century Athens.