Dates of the Session
Main Topic
The International Olympic Truce Center and the Youth Sports Training Center SPORTCAMP, introduce the international Sports and Educational program “IMAGINE PEACE JUNIORS CAMP”, with the participation of children from all over the world, in the unique sports and cultural environment of the International Olympic Academy in Ancient Olympia.
The program is aimed at students aged 10-16 from Greece and abroad and aims to realize an exclusive eight-day cultural and sports experience for a limited number of selected participants.
The camp that will be held from July 21 to July 29 2023, offers acquaintance with the ancient Olympic Sports at their birthplace, speeches, workshops, sports events, training and acquaintance with Olympic champions, visits to the historic sites of Ancient Olympia and many recreational and fun activities.
It aims to introduce a small number of students each year to the Olympic ideals and to develop leadership skills and values in dialogue, intercultural communication, friendship, respect for diversity and peace.
In the link here, you may find a detailed presentation of the program as well as all relevant info, photos, and the participation form
Participant Information
Registration Cost
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Room Covered by Olympic Solidarity - Continue to PaymentParticipation Fee + Shared Room View
- Continue to PaymentParticipation Fee + Single Room View