O4H Academy

Dates of the Session
June 3-9, 2024
Programme Description
Applications' Deadline
Documents Required to Submit
Short Papers/Presentations
Refund Policy
Further Information
O4H-CIED Georgetown University Certificate
Ancient Olympia, June 3-9 2024
In response to current challenges andfragility of global affairs, Olympism forHumanity Academy (O4HA), the Center for Intercultural Education and Development (CEID) at Georgetown University (GU), the International Olympic Academy (IOA), the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) and Olympism for Humanity Allies across continents,have joined forces with to establish a global academic Olympism in Action sportdiplomacy program to prepare free, democratic global citizens who are ready toserve and Champion Change across fragile regions and communities. Ourdata driven global venture intersects Olympic Heritage,Peacebuilding, Omniculturism, Democracy Actualization, Global Health andSustainable Development, also known as Olympism in Action.
Our O4H Champions of Change Academicprogram serves as a world-wide academic diplomacy platform and an Olympismin Action Global Innovation Hub for embracing Olympism and Sport as apeacebuilding platform and an enabler for the UN SDGs, children’s rights andresponsibilities, equity and integrity, community health, regeneration andresilience. The aim is to promote systemic and collective change bycreating peaceful, inclusive, healthy and resilient democratic communities thatare physically active, culturally sensitive and civically engaged.
Driven by the essence of theOlympic Heritage and ideals – this program aims to preparethe next generation of scholars, foreign affairs agents, educators,artists, journalists, sport and community leaders, ESG – CSR officers andcitizens who are trained to serve humanity as Peace and Democracy Championsof Change across fragile regions and communities in need. Actualizing,in other words, the essence of the Olympic idea and ideals- through scientific,theoretically informed, data driven Actions (Binder, 2001, Mandigo et al.,2016, 2018; Lyras, 2007, 2012, 2014, 2020, 2021, 2023). This program ispart of our long-term vision, which aims to connect Tokyo 2020, Paris2024, 2028 Los Angeles and Brisbane 2032 Games(with past and future Olympiads) and to advance a worldwideacademic ecosystem committed to institutionalizing Olympism for Humanity in Action G.O.A.L.S. and Vision. The vision is toestablish an Olympism for Humanity (in Action) global Academic Diplomacynetwork committed to the advancement of Democracy and Humanity in Actionenterprises across continents.
What will you Gain?
Mastering Olympic Literacy: Next Generation of SportManagement and Olympic Education Scholars and Practitioners
Through our hybrid online and field-based training methodology,participants across continents will develop a personal portfolio withguidelines on how to design and deliver data driven “social innovation Olympismin Action ventures” to champion collective and systemic change across agencies,in their respective communities. The vision is to develop incubators of “Olympismfor Humanity Champions of Change” across the globe with knowledge and tools onhow to effectively design and deliver conflict transformation, democracyactualization, community health and sustainable development ventures, inspiredand guided by the universality of the Olympic World Cultural Heritage- what wecall- Olympic Literacy (Lyras, 2020, 2021, 2023). Participants engage in a30-hour hybrid in-country program, receive one-on-one mentoring, in-person andonline training, and guided field experience. They can also opt for onsiteresidential training in Greece, Japan, Cyprus, Washington D.C., and Marylandchoosing one or multiple options as each session enhances distinct skills andcompetencies. Our next cycle of Training is will take place at the premisesof the International Olympic Academy on July 3-9, 2024. More information can befound via this link and on our Olympism forHumanity Academy’s website at O4HA.org
Join us! Applications are now open!
Who Can Attend the Program?
Olympism for Humanity Champions of Change from Academia,Educational Systems & Across Agencies
This O4H-CIED GU Certificate embracessystemic change tailored to local needs and across educational systems,agencies and contexts. Our universal design methodology provides theopportunity for multiple stakeholders across disciplines and domains to worktogether towards achieving Humanity in Action shared goals andobjectives. The First target group aims the infusion of Olympism-basedcurricula in Primary and Secondary educational systems, the second, forAcademic teaching, research and community outreach in Tertiary EducationalSystems and the third, working professionals across agencies. The Olympism inAction – Champions of Change Certificate curriculum is designed for threedifferent groups outlined in the following section.
Inspired and guided by the richness ofthe 2800 years of our Olympic World Heritage, our academic work is built on asynthesis, Applied Sociology of Sport scholarship (Yiannakis, 1989,1993, 2023) and collective work of award-winning Champions of Change initiativesimplemented since 1993, ranging from data driven peace and democracy youth programs inregions of conflict, to multinational student engagementinitiatives in close collaboration with the International Olympic Academy, the Ali Center, the Muhamad Ali Institute of Peace andJustice, schools, universities and orphanages across continents.The ultimate goal of these ventures were to embrace Olympism for HumanityLiteracy and Actualization (Lyras, 2020, 2021, 2023), the integration ofWorld Olympic Heritage with peacebuilding, global health, sustainabledevelopment and social innovation as an unconventional tool and an effectivepeace and democracy actualization platform (Lyras, 2020, 2021, 2023; Moghaddam,2016, 2019, 2021).
Focusing on action (“Praxis”), our Championsof Change initiatives have been very successful for 30 years. Our socialinnovation work is built on field-based learning in multiple universities, highschools, NGOs and youth agencies across continents targeting homeless andunderserved youth in the US and in India; capacity building in Uganda,Tanzania, Rwanda, Guatemala, Colombia, Botswana, Trinidad and Tobago,peacebuilding and at-risk youth in Cyprus and South Africa, Youth Programs and Olympism forHumanity and Sport for Development professional training in Delphi, Athens,Thessaloniki and Ancient Olympia; and disaster recovery in tsunami-affectedareas in Japan as part of the Tokyo 2020 Games Academic legacy endeavors.
The CIED-O4H Georgetown UniversityOlympism in Action Certificate Program is centered on the use of Olympic idea,Humanity Values and ideals as a peacebuilding vehicle for embracing HumanDevelopment, Global Health and Democracy Actualization. Join us!
Click here for more information https://linktr.ee/o4ha
Join us! Applications are now open!
Registration Process
Step 1
If you have already created an account, please Log in.
*if you plan to apply for more than one activity, please contact the support to let us know beforehand.
Step 1.1
Step 2
- 1. Review which documents you must upload for your application to be considered.
- 2. Make sure you have collected all documents. Please remember about the Declaration of consent to the Processing of Personal Data.
- 3. Create a folder to upload your documents at Dropbox or a Google Drive
- 4. Make sure all documents are uploaded
- 5. After you have uploaded your documents, ensure we can access the link by pressing the option "anyone with the link can view".
- 6. Ensure the previous step is done so we can see and review your documents.
- 7. Copy the shareable link.
- 8. On the bottom right, press "Upload Documents" button. A pop-up window of your profile will appear.
- 9. At the bottom section "Upload Documents of the pop-up, please paste the link there and choose which session you are applying to. Your application is then successfully submitted.
- 10. The IOA support team receives a notice to review your documents.
- 11. You will receive a status update email with further guidance on how to proceed with your application.
- a. How do I upload my files to Google Drive and share the link with the IOA? See here
- b. How do I upload on Dropbox and share the link with the IOA? See here
- If you have questions or need more help, contact IOA support team
- If you have questions or need more help regarding technical issues, contact IOA support team
Step 3
- Registration Fee Only
Room Covered by Olympic SolidarityEURContinue to Payment - Participation Fee + Shared Room ViewEURContinue to Payment
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