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In the framework of the "IV South American Beach Games Rosario", the "XVIII Pan American Games Lima" and the "1st World ANOC Beach Games Doha", the Uruguay Olympic Academy participated in the meetings of the representatives of the delegations, prior to their participation in the Games.
The President of the Olympic Committee and the Olympic Academy of Uruguay, Dr Julio César Maglione, together with Dr Alfredo Etchandy, Director of the Academy, were in charge of these presentations. The main focus was on Olympic values and the Olympic spirit as a way of life. It was also an opportunity to inform them about the history of the South American Sports Organization (ODESUR) and the Pan American Sports Organization (PASO), today named PANAM SPORTS.
The Olympic Academy Committee of Uruguay was also responsible, as in previous years, for the process of selecting candidates to participate in the 59th IOA Young Participants Session. Johana Puglia (Olympic Committee administrative staff) and the athlete Rodrigo Martínez (rugby) were selected.The Commission also had an active participation in the Sports Administration Course held in Montevideo, organized by the Uruguayan Olympic Committee with the support of Olympic Solidarity.This course was focused to the members of the Board of Directors of the National Sports Federations. The main objective of this course was to collaborate in the training and improvement of the sports leaders. Dr Alfredo Etchandy also took part in the course with a speech on the theme "Olympism: yesterday, today and always".
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