YOA2023 Evaluation | Questionnaire | EN Version
YOA2023 Evaluation | Questionnaire | FR Version
Wishing to contribute to the promotion of the principles and values of Olympism, the ΙΟΑ organizes each year at its facilities in Ancient Olympia its most long-lasting session, the International Session for Young Olympic Ambassadors (YOA).
YOA aim is to bring together young people of different nationalities in a spirit offriendship and cooperation and encourage them to build on the knowledge they will acquire during their stay in Olympia, as worthy ambassadors of their countries.
Next to the archaeological site, where the Olympic Games were born, promising young people of different cultures, selected by their respective NOCs/NOAs, learn to coexist and work together in peace, to share ideas and toengage in dialogue, to build strong and long-term relationships by breaking barriers of religion, language, sex, culture and status. The International Olympic Academy, a true centre for research, an “active school”, aims YOA participants tounveil and disseminate Olympic Values and principles back to their countries to bring Pierre de Coubertin’s vision into life.
- To constitute a unique opportunity and a once-in-a lifetime experience for young people from all over the world to live for a short period of time in a multicultural environment, which enhances international understanding and acceptance.
- To instill into young people Olympic Values and Ideals, such as respect, friendship, solidarity, equality, which form the basis of the Olympic Movement.
- To introduce the future members of the Olympic Movement to the basics ofOlympism and the Olympic Movement.
- To further teach them about current issues related to sports, Olympic Gamesand the Olympic Movement.
- To motivate, inspire and encourage the young Olympic Ambassadors to use their experiences and knowledge gained from the Session productively by promoting the Olympic ideals and by educating others in their own countries.
10 – 22 June 2023
Main subject:
“Innovating physical education and Olympic values education to build a better world”.
Special subject:
“Renewal and rejuvenation: How can the Olympic Movement remain relevant to youth through physical education and Olympic values education”.
Pnyx | Opening Ceremony Program
Programme | Day by day Schedule
June 10 – Saturday
Arrival in Athens
Accommodation at Novotel Hotel
(4-6 Michail Voda Str, 104 39, Athens, Tel.: +30 21 0820 0700, E-mail: H0866@accor.com)
June 11 – Sunday
09.30 Guided visit to the Panathenaic Stadium, the archaeological site of Acropolis and museum.
15.30 Lunch at the hotel until 16.30
17.45 Departure by coaches to the Hill of Pnyx.
19.00 Opening Ceremony (formal dress code).
21.00 Reception at Novotel hotel.
June 12 – Monday
08.30 Departure by coaches to Ancient Olympia.
13.30 Arrival and accommodation in the IOA premises in Ancient Olympia.
17.30 Welcome by the IOA Dean, Prof. Konstantinos GEORGIADIS at the Main Lecture Hall “D. Vikelas” of the IOA conference center (formal dress code).
Presentation of the guests, lecturers, working group coordinators and participants.
18.00 Opening Ceremony of the works of the 63rd International Session for Young Olympic Ambassadors at the Main Lecture Hall “D. Vikelas”
Olympic Anthem.
Presentation of the officials and guests.
Address by Μr Isidoros KOUVELOS, President of the International Olympic Academy, Member of the Hellenic Olympic Committee, Member of the IOC Commission for Olympic Education, 1st Vice-President of the Hellenic Equestrian Federation, and Board member of the International Olympic Truce Foundation.
Address by the representative of the region of Western Greece.
Address by the Mayor of Ancient Olympia, Mr Georgios GEORGIOPOULOS.
19.00 Lecture by Mr Willi GRILL (GER),
Title: “Spreading the Olympic values through sport and physical education”.
19.30 Discussion with the lecturer.
Laying of wreaths at the stele of Pierre de COUBERTIN, renovator of the Olympic Games, and at the commemorative monument of John KETSEAS and Carl DIEM, pioneers of the establishment of the International Olympic Academy.
Commemorative photograph.
June 13 – Tuesday
08.30 Guided visit to the archaeological site and the museum of Ancient Olympia.
09.30 Meeting of the working groups coordinators with the IOA Dean, Prof. Konstantinos GEORGIADIS.
16.30 Lecture by Dr Uri SCHAEFER (ISR),
Title: “Renewal and rejuvenation: How can the Olympic Movement remain relevant to youth through physical education and Olympic values education”.
17.00 Discussion with the lecturer.
17:30 Lecture by Assoc. Prof. Claire BOURSIER (FRA),
Title: “Olympic heritage of the Olympic games, Paralympic games and the ‘SAPATIC games’”.
18.00 Discussion with the lecturer.
18.30 Working groups A1.
21.00 Film projection.
June 14 – Wednesday
08.30 Lecture by Dr Joohee PARK (KOR)
09.00 Discussion with the lecturer.
09.30 Lecture by Prof. Emilio FERNÁNDEZ PEÑA (ESP),
Title: “Innovation, Communication and Artificial Intelligence and the Olympic Movement”.
10.00 Discussion with the lecturer.
10.30 Working groups A2.
14.30 Artistic activities.
16.30 Working groups A3.
18.00 Sports activities.
21.00 Literature and Poetry workshop (1).
June 15 – Thursday
08.30 Preparation of the conclusions of the 1st Cycle by the working groups.
09.30 Excursion to the beach.
17.00 Departure from the beach to the IOA premises.
18.30 Torch Relay.
19.30 Sports activities.
21.00 Social evening (1).
June 16 – Friday
09.00 Parallel Workshops on:
- “Olympism and Olympic Education” with Prof. Konstantinos GEORGIADIS
- “We are Olympic Media: Seminar on Social Media Audiovisual Reporting” with Prof. Emilio FERNÁNDEZ PEÑA
11.30 Presentation of the conclusions of the 1st Cycle by the working groups.
14.30 Artistic activities.
19.00 Olympic Day Run, Ancient Olympia.
21.00 Literature and poetry workshop (2).
June 17 – Saturday
08.30 Lecture by Prof. Yannis THEODORAKIS (GRE),
Title: “Sport as a tool for social inclusion οr “through sports we can change the world”.
09.00 Discussion with the lecturer.
09.30 Lecture by Ms Benny BONSU (GBR),
Title: “Athletes as global leaders on and off the field of play,” and “the importance of telling the right stories of athletes and sports.”
10.00 Discussion with the lecturer.
10.30 Working groups B1.
14.30 Artistic activities.
16.30 Working groups B2.
18.00 Sports activities.
21.00 Social evening (2).
June 18 – Sunday
08.30 Lecture by Assoc. Prof. Eric MONNIN (FRA),
Title: “How can the Olympic Movement approach the youth”.
09.00 Discussion with the lecturer.
09.30 Lecture by Prof. Malgorzata BRONIKOWSKA (POL)
Title: “Are PE teachers/students really ready to teach/learn moral values?”.
10.00 Discussion with the lecturer.
10.30 Working Groups B3
14.30 Artistic activities.
16.30 Working groups B4.
17.30 Preparation of the conclusions of the 2nd Cycle by the working groups.
19.00 “Fly Olympia” event in Ancient Olympia.
21.00 Late dinner.
Free evening.
June 19 – Monday
08.30 Lecture by Mr Ed HULA (USA)
09.00 Discussion with the lecturer.
09.30 Short presentations by the participants.
11.30 Swimming gala/Track and field events.
17.30 Final sports contest.
19.00 Poetry and fine arts contest.
21.00 Arts happening: Jointly organized by the dance, music and literature – poetry workshops.
June 20 – Tuesday
09.00 Presentation of the conclusions of the 2nd Cycle by the working groups.
11.00 Closing Ceremony of the works of the 63rd International Session for Young Olympic Ambassadors.
- Presentation of the participation diplomas.
- Address on behalf of the participants.
- Address on behalf of the working group coordinators.
- Address on behalf of the lecturers.
- Address and closing of the works of the Session by the President of the IOA, Mr Isidoros KOUVELOS.
- Olympic Anthem
21.00 Social Evening
June 21 – Wednesday
08.30 Departure for Athens via Delphi.
Tour and lunch in Delphi.
Arrival in Athens at approximately 19.30 hrs
Accommodation at the Novotel Hotel
(4-6, Michail Voda Str., 104 39, Athens, Tel.: +30 21 0820 0700, E-mail: H0866@accor.com), and Stanley Hotel (1, Odisseos str., Karaiskaki Square, P.C. 10437, Athens, Tel.: +30 211 9900900, E-mail: reservations@thestanley.gr).
June 22 – Thursday Departure from Athens.
Supervising Coordinators
Ms Yarden HAR LEV (ISR)
Dance Workshop
Ms Eleni Maria SOUKERA (GRE), Ms Zsuzsanna BUKTA (HUN), Ms Matolela KELEBOGILE (BOT)
Literature and Poetry Workshop
Mr Fred QUEK (SGP), Mr Yuta YAMAZAKI (JPN), Mr Travis JONES (CAN)
Fine Arts Workshop
Mr Xavier JEANNIN (FRA), Mr Michal CMELIK (SVK), Ms Minori HARA (JPN), Ms Monika ZACHAU (GER), Mr Gamaliel Padilla MORENO (MEX), Mr Fred QUEK (SGP)
Music Workshop
Ms Huiqi BAI (CHN), Mr Alexander ERIKSSON (NOR)
Sports Activities
Mr Xavier JEANNIN (FRA), Mr Anidev SINGH (IND), Ms Matolela KELEBOGILE (BOT), Ms Minori HARA (JPN), Mr Yuta YAMAZAKI (JPN), Ms Zehua ZHANG (CHN), Mr Michal CMELIK (SVK), Ms Dinkey Nilankaki Bandara Dissanayaka MUDIYANSELAGE (SRI), Ms Echo Xue ZENG (CHN), Ms Huiqi BAI (CHN), Ms Monika ZACHAU (GER), Mr Arthur GALLOIS (FRA), Mr William Amollo MOTTO (KEN), Ms Eleni Maria SOUKERA (GRE), Mr Gamaliel Padilla MORENO (MEX)
Social Evenings and Arts Happening
Mr Xavier JEANNIN (FRA), Mr Fred QUEK (SGP), Mr Michal CMELIK (SVK), Ms Echo Xue ZENG (CHN), Ms Dinkey Nilankaki Bandara Dissanayaka MUDIYANSELAGE (SRI), Mr Gamaliel Padilla MORENO (MEX), Ms Zehua ZHANG (CHN), Ms Huiqi BAI (CHN), Mr Alexander ERIKSSON (NOR)
Internet Live Transmission of the Session
Ms Yarden HAR LEV (ISR), Mr Alexander ERIKSSON (NOR)
Film Projection
Mr Anidev SINGH (IND), Ms Eleni Maria SOUKERA (GRE)
Coordination of Conclusions
Mr Anidev SINGH (IND), Mr Xavier JEANNIN (FRA), Mr Fred QUEK (SGP), Mr Arthur GALLOIS (FRA), Ms Zsuzsanna BUKTA (HUN), Ms Matolela KELEBOGILE (BOT), Mr Alexander ERIKSSON (NOR), Ms Monika ZACHAU, Mr Travis JONES (CAN), Mr William Amollo MOTTO (KEN)
Supervising Coordinators
Ms Yarden HAR LEV (ISR)
Dance Workshop
Ms Eleni Maria SOUKERA (GRE), Ms Zsuzsanna BUKTA (HUN), Ms Matolela KELEBOGILE (BOT)
Literature and Poetry Workshop
Mr Fred QUEK (SGP), Mr Yuta YAMAZAKI (JPN), Mr Travis JONES (CAN)
Fine Arts Workshop
Mr Xavier JEANNIN (FRA), Mr Michal CMELIK (SVK), Ms Minori HARA (JPN), Ms Monika ZACHAU (GER), Mr Gamaliel Padilla MORENO (MEX), Mr Fred QUEK (SGP)
Music Workshop
Ms Huiqi BAI (CHN), Mr Alexander ERIKSSON (NOR)
Sports Activities
Mr Xavier JEANNIN (FRA), Mr Anidev SINGH (IND), Ms Matolela KELEBOGILE (BOT), Ms Minori HARA (JPN), Mr Yuta YAMAZAKI (JPN), Ms Zehua ZHANG (CHN), Mr Michal CMELIK (SVK), Ms Dinkey Nilankaki Bandara Dissanayaka MUDIYANSELAGE (SRI), Ms Echo Xue ZENG (CHN), Ms Huiqi BAI (CHN), Ms Monika ZACHAU (GER), Mr Arthur GALLOIS (FRA), Mr William Motto AMOLLO (KEN), Ms Eleni Maria SOUKERA (GRE), Mr Gamaliel Padilla MORENO (MEX)
Social Evenings and Arts Happening
Mr Xavier JEANNIN (FRA), Mr Fred QUEK (SGP), Mr Michal CMELIK (SVK), Ms Echo Xue ZENG (CHN), Ms Dinkey Nilankaki Bandara Dissanayaka MUDIYANSELAGE (SRI), Mr Gamaliel Padilla MORENO (MEX), Ms Zehua ZHANG (CHN), Ms Huiqi BAI (CHN), Mr Alexander ERIKSSON (NOR)
Internet Live Transmission of the Session
Ms Yarden HAR LEV (ISR), Mr Alexander ERIKSSON (NOR)
Film Projection
Mr Anidev SINGH (IND), Ms Eleni Maria SOUKERA (GRE)
Coordination of Conclusions
Mr Anidev SINGH (IND), Mr Xavier JEANNIN (FRA), Mr Fred QUEK (SGP), Mr Arthur GALLOIS (FRA), Ms Zsuzsanna BUKTA (HUN), Ms Matolela KELEBOGILE (BOT), Mr Alexander ERIKSSON (NOR), Ms Monika ZACHAU, Mr Travis JONES (CAN)
Live Streaming
Live from the IOA Campus in Ancient Olympia, Greece